I know it might be very basic simple thing for many bloggers but it took me some time to find out how to add videos from youtube.com, Gooogle Videos, Metacafe or Myspace videos on my wordpress blog. I found some solutions for that but the most simple one was by the installation of My Video wordpress plugin.
Installation of plugin
Here is how you can add videos to your
wordpress blogs:
2. Unzip the file and upload it to wordpress plugin directory.
3. In wordpress, activate My Video plugin.
4. Under Options, click on My Video and you can change the video size.
Adding Videos
Now the MyVideo plugin is installed and activated, it is time to add the video to wordpress blog.
YouTube Videos
youtube videos add [youtube]videoid[/youtube]
MetaCafe Video
Google Video
MySpace Video
myspace video add [myspace]videoid[/myspace]
Enjoy adding videos to your wordpress blog.
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