Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to Add Youtube, MetaCafe, Google or Myspace video to wordpress blog?

I know it might be very basic simple thing for many bloggers but it took me some time to find out how to add videos from, Gooogle Videos, Metacafe or Myspace videos on my wordpress blog. I found some solutions for that but the most simple one was by the installation of My Video wordpress plugin.

Installation of plugin
Here is how you can add videos to your wordpress blogs:

1. Download the My Video wordpress plugin here.

2. Unzip the file and upload it to wordpress plugin directory.

3. In wordpress, activate My Video plugin.

4. Under Options, click on My Video and you can change the video size.

Adding Videos

Now the MyVideo plugin is installed and activated, it is time to add the video to wordpress blog.

YouTube Videos

For youtube videos add [youtube]videoid[/youtube]


MetaCafe Video

For Metacafe video, add [metacafe]number[/metacafe]


Google Video

For google video, add [google]Docid[/google]


MySpace Video

For myspace video add [myspace]videoid[/myspace]


Enjoy adding videos to your wordpress blog.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

$100.00 to increase your blog traffic.

Traffic is the key to any successful money making blog. The Problogger, John Chow's blog or ShoeMoney receive thousands of unique visitors per day which traslates into big amount of hard cash. It is true that people love to read those blogs because of good quality contents. However, imagine now matter how good quality contents are on their blogs, withou enough steady daily traffic to their blogs they cannot make that much money.

I will pay $100.00 to one person who will use Yahoo Success Center and post comments here as well as mention this post in his/her blog. The draw will be held on Jaunuary 1, 2008. However, sorry but only resident of USA and Canada will be able to take part in this contest and win the prize money. You can start the 14 Day Free trial of Yahoo Success Center Now. Although the 14 days trial but $1.95 is charged to send the kit by post.

Yahoo Succes Center will teach:

How to Optimize for Yahoo.
How to Find hundreds of paying, repeat customers for your business.
How to Sell before you buy and, other methods to get ful benefit from traffic generated through search results.

Are you ready to grab that $100?

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

How did attract over 16000 subscribers in few months?

I was browsing through the Caroline Middlebrook's blog and found Free Internet Marketing eBooks. It has a list of some useful eBooks which will help any new blogger to understand the blogging process and how to market and monetize it.

Yaro's ebook Blog Profits Blueprint is also in that list. As a bonus of signing up for the book, I also received the audio of one hour long interview with the owner Collis Taeed. It is an inspiring journey of a blogger who has been able to attract 16,200 subscribers in just few month's time. The summary of his success is

1. Find an untapped niche.

2. Find a good domain name for your blog.

3. Write a good content post which your readers will like to bookmark (Link bait).

4. Contact the other big bloggng names in your niche to let them know about your blog.

5. Use social bookmarking networks like etc.

6. If you have the budget to promote your blog through some advertisement, then use some advertising chanels.

7. Provide services and information which will make the users/readers to take part in your blog.

I would like to hear your point of view and your side of the story how are you succeeding in your blog venture. So please do leave comments and feedback.

Easy Web Hosting $6.95

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Is it possible to lose 12 pounds in 2 days?

I have been working on my laptop for last five six months now and during this whole time I didn't take care of myself at all. Result a big belly and gaining about 10 pounds. I know I should have been more active physically not to put up that much weight but I did. What should I do now? Should I do some exercise to get rid of excessive weight or keep on being a lazy bum? Of course I don't like my big belly cause I am started to look like as if I am pregnat for some time now :)

I started to look around on the net to see if any diet will work on me and and magically take away the extra pounts of fat aroun my waist without even moving my body - I mean without any hard core exercise. I searched for few hours and found two diets which I tought may work on me. I will explain the reasons why I though so with each diet in next paragraphs. I chose
2-day Slimdown
and Amazon Diet.

2-day Slimdown
claims that just by using this diet on the weekend and lots of water, it is possible to lose upto 12pounds on week end. It sounded prety appealing to me specially when I saw that I can get trial bottle for just paying the shipping and handling only. I decided to give it a try. The diet is supposedly the 'blend' of all natural fat burning herbs and minrals and vitamins with a powerful appetiet supperssant. I ordered the Free bottle of 2-day Slimdown and paid $7.97 as shipping and handling charges.

I received the trial bottle of 2-day Slimdown and followed the instructions to use it. I had it to use following so called 4-4-4 formula meaning 4 ounce of formula in 4 ounces of cold water 4 times a day. I also had to drink 8 liters of water in a day. Did I lose weight and how did I feel during the time when I was using 2-day Slimdown? Well answer is yes I did lose about 5 pounds in two days but it was not all that easy time. I did feel a bit tired and hungery occasionally but supperessed that by drinking glass of cold water. Honestly, it is very hard for me to state that if the weight loss was becuase of the 2-day Slimdown formula or cause I didn't eat for two days and had just water and water only. I wonder if I will lose weight and feel the same if I used only water for two days! I will try that as well and report it on this blog once I do that.

The second diet is Amazon Diet which claims to shed weight fast using 'Cha De Bugre' herb which is found in Brazilian rain forests. It is also available for trial for Free. If someone has tried Amazon Diet or will like to try Amazon Diet and would like share the results with others, please do so here. That may help me and many others to decide to take the trial as well so that we can get rid of those extra pounds and start feeling good about ourselves.

In summary, I would say it is possible to lose weight fast using the 2-day Slimdown formula though you may feel hungery and a bit tired during this period. However, you will gain weight again if you don't change your eating habits after losing this weight. I have started eating smaller portions of food than I was used to earlier and I am able to keep that extra fat away from my body for a week now.

Easy Web Hosting $6.95

Monday, November 12, 2007

Make Money by Adding news feeds from Voxant Newsroom

Who does not want new contents for the readers on the blog? One easy way is to add news feeds from Voxant Newsroom to your site. Not only it will provide new contents but also give you the chance to make some money as well. In order to get the emebing code, simply click on embed button and you should be able to get the code to copy and paste on your site. If you have any problem, let me know.

Relax and have some fun.

Matt Cutts gives great SEO tips for bloggers

Matt Cutts is a senior engineer at Google working in quality search to keep spam away from google. Here is the video of Matt's great SEO tips for bloggers who wants traffic and make money online.

The video is ove 1 hour long so watch it when you have some time just for this video. In this video Matt gives valuable white hat SEO tips on keyword optimization, SEO URLs, Link building, and Adsense. Some good tools and plugins are also recommended to achieve good ranking in search engine search results.

Bidvertiser gives $20 Free clicks to advertisers

This is what I received in email from Bidvertiser

We have just launched a new set of referral program images and links, named "Advertise Here Set". This set allows you to place various "Advertise Here" referral buttons and links across your website, blog, or even email newsletter, inviting your visitors to advertise on your site via BidVertiser.

To make it even more enticing, this set will give your visitors $20 coupon of free clicks to advertise on your site and will link directly to your personal "Advertise Here" landing page on the BidVertiser site, featuring the free $20 coupon. And better than that - we do not require any initial deposit which makes the $20 free for real!

So, if you would like to advertiser on this page then go ahead you have $20 worth clicks FREE.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

How to increase Widgetbucks earning?

I have been using WidgetBucks for about 3 weeks now and my earning so far is $1.03. Different people using widgetbucks are reporting earning per click for various categories. Some are as high as $0.60 per click and some are just few cents.

Here are few tips to increase WidgetBucks earning:

1. Placement of WidgetBucks widget on blog/website
It is very important as with any other PPC advertising to place the widget on a prominent place of your blog or website. I would suggest left hand coloum or using 300 x 250 medium rectangle for better conversions. I will start experiment with various positions and sizes and will report the results here soon.

2. Product Category
Some product categories convert more than others so selecting the right product category which matches with the interest of blog readers or website visitor will increase conversion. It is important that just not to go for highest paying product category but also keep in mind the theme and contents of your site when selecting one.

3. Category variations
Once your website visitors are used to one product, it will be advisable to change the category to show some thing which will also be of interest. You might want to show more than one widget at a time or just show one WidgetBucks widget at time on a prominant position and keep on changing the category after few days.

Here is the advice from the to improve the conversion rates.

Well one can use all the above tips and still will not make any money if the traffic to your site is very low in numbers. It is all number game. Higher the number of visitors to your site, higher will be the conversion rate and hence your earning. Key for success is the traffic. I will talk about this in an other post.
WidgetBucks still have the problem of slowing down the website loading using slower internet connections as well as unavailablity of data at some times. In general, widgets would load faster with high speed internet connections.

How to set up a blog for affiliate marketing

Almost everyone is trying to earn their part of share in online money. Some are making money in 6 figures and most are just buck or two only. Here is a video which shows how to set up a blog for affiliate marketing. I found it useful as it give some basic details which can be good for people who are just geting into blog rush.

However, I would not try to ping more than once a day and only after I have added some new contents.

Video URL:

Friday, November 2, 2007

Amazon's New Widgets for Affiliate Marketing has introduced a suite of new widgets to assist its associates promote products in a number of different ways. Associates/Affiliates can choose pre-designed widget or customize it to match with the look of their website. I am using one widget which shows product tag cloud from the cellphone category of the Amazon inventory.

Although, I was signed in before customizing the widget, I was warned again again that I am not signed in and wont be able to receive the commision. I felt annoyed with this repeated warnings. May by when you try to customize yours, you may not have the very same issue. Apart from it, I think that widgets are amazing and will provide more cool tools to associates to increase their bucks.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to monetize your social networking profile using AdNetwork?

Millions of web users around the globe spends countless hours everyday using social networking sites like facebook, myspace or youtube etc. Very few users are, however, utilizing these social networks to gain some finicial benefits. Many users of thousands of friends on these networks which they can now actually use to make some money using a new advertisement service introduced by

The service is FREE to use and may be a source of income while spending hours on next time. It will be interesting to know how much worth your facebook profile is?

The AdNetwork allows the publishers to place banners and text image advertisements on any site as the code is only in html format and not in Java script. Java script are not allowed by many sites or only allowed on side bars. AdNetwork is providing PPC and CPM advertisements.


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