Here are different ways a Weblonian ( member) can make money at
There are so many ways to make sure that your investment in makes you money. Whether you are interested in private domain name registration, real estate in a virtual world, celebrities or more, a smart investment portfolio includes owning virtual world assets at There are a couple of things that will help you earn more residual income and higher profit.
Content Relevance
The more relevant the content
is to your asset name, the better your site for a number of reasons.
a. Traffic will likely be far more satisfied with the Weblo Sites you create and happy with
having found it during a search or casually discovering it
b. People will probably return to your site again and again for more information and more func. The ads that are automatically populated on your site (and that you earn money from) will have something to do with your asset. The click-through potential is much higherd. The more relevant the site content, the higher perceived value your asset will have when re-sellinge. High content relevance rating improves ranking.
The most important thing to know is that ranking, traffic to your Asset Sites, content relevance (content that relates to your asset) and more, affect your earning potential in some way. Making sure that the content that is on your Asset Pages relates to the asset itself will help you move up in the rankings, in and out of
Community InvolvementGetting other members involved in your community and in sending you relevant content to add to your site will help increase its value. The more you add, the more resourceful, fun and entertaining your assets will be. So, How Do I Make Money?To make it more clear, here are the ways members earn money at
There are five ways to make money with your Weblo Assets:
1) Flipping (resale for profit)
2) Advertising (Clicks on PPC ads)
3) Percentages of transaction fees (Mayors, Governors)
4) Portions of initial purchase fees (Mayors, Governors and Airport owners)
5) Percentages of membership fees paid by newly registered members. (Mayors and Governors)
By smartly choosing, celebrity and property pages and bringing trafic to it will result in moderate amount of income for any body at
More details will follow in an other post.
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