Sunday, November 11, 2007

How to increase Widgetbucks earning?

I have been using WidgetBucks for about 3 weeks now and my earning so far is $1.03. Different people using widgetbucks are reporting earning per click for various categories. Some are as high as $0.60 per click and some are just few cents.

Here are few tips to increase WidgetBucks earning:

1. Placement of WidgetBucks widget on blog/website
It is very important as with any other PPC advertising to place the widget on a prominent place of your blog or website. I would suggest left hand coloum or using 300 x 250 medium rectangle for better conversions. I will start experiment with various positions and sizes and will report the results here soon.

2. Product Category
Some product categories convert more than others so selecting the right product category which matches with the interest of blog readers or website visitor will increase conversion. It is important that just not to go for highest paying product category but also keep in mind the theme and contents of your site when selecting one.

3. Category variations
Once your website visitors are used to one product, it will be advisable to change the category to show some thing which will also be of interest. You might want to show more than one widget at a time or just show one WidgetBucks widget at time on a prominant position and keep on changing the category after few days.

Here is the advice from the to improve the conversion rates.

Well one can use all the above tips and still will not make any money if the traffic to your site is very low in numbers. It is all number game. Higher the number of visitors to your site, higher will be the conversion rate and hence your earning. Key for success is the traffic. I will talk about this in an other post.
WidgetBucks still have the problem of slowing down the website loading using slower internet connections as well as unavailablity of data at some times. In general, widgets would load faster with high speed internet connections.


The All Seeing Eye said...

Thanks for the helpful advice. I just joined WidgetBucks a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

I think Widget Bucks is most effective if your blog or website is more product driven. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has experiences with a service or informative website and their results using Widget Bucks.



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